▶ 80s Hard Electro
▶ 80s Synthwave Theme
▶ Cyberpunk Level 4
▶ Daniel Deluxe - Blade Runner
▶ Daniel Deluxe - Hero of Orion
▶ Daniel Deluxe - King Cyborg
▶ Daniel Deluxe - Last Stand
▶ Daniel Deluxe - Night Stalker
▶ Daniel Deluxe - Silver Samurai
▶ Daniel Deluxe - Star Eater
▶ Daniel Deluxe - The Getaway
▶ Daniel Deluxe - Underwater Terror
▶ Daniel Deluxe - Wasteland
▶ Dark Space Drone
▶ Dynatron - Aeternus Theme
▶ Dynatron - Andromeda Bleeding
▶ Dynatron - Cosmo Black
▶ Dynatron - Dust of the Saturn
▶ Dynatron - Fluorescence Of The Cepheids
▶ Dynatron - Hypersonic
▶ Dynatron - Not of This World
▶ Dynatron - Out There
▶ Dynatron - The Pulsating Nebula
▶ Dynatron - Vox Magnetismi
▶ Friendly Space Monsters
▶ Mainframe